K-9 Drug Searches at Public and Private Schools

    Superior Canine Services works in partnership for safety and security at schools.

    School officials in Chicago's Northern Suburbs turn to canine services for help in dealing with the drug problem.

    Superior Canine Services provides confidential, expert, reliable drug detection searches in public and private middle schools, high schools, colleges and other educational institutions.

    School counselors, deans, parent groups, school superintendents and existing school-based drug-free programs turn to Superior Canine Services as the source for keeping their schools safe and drug free.

    Keeping teens safe in a “drug free” school campus is a constant challenge for school administrators. Like any form of drug abuse prevention, the best approach is to have deterrents consistently visible and to enforce school policies.

    Superior Canine Services will work with schools to implement a program where regular, frequent campus visits and randomized location searches will be non-disruptive to the students. Our services are cost effective, campus wide and a visual deterrent.

    Areas sniffed by our drug detection dogs include:

    • Hallways
    • Lockers
    • Social areas
    • Locker rooms
    • Gyms
    • Parking lots
    • Dorms
    • Vehicles

    Flexible Pricing and Scheduling

    Educational administrators can request a one-time search with a basic service charge or take advantage of maintenance search packages (monthly or bi-weekly) and save through multiple search discounts

    To avoid confrontation and preserve confidentiality schools may ask that we bring in our teams during “off hours” when students and/or school employees are not present.

    Benefits of Professional Drug-Sniffing Canines in Public and Private Schools

    • Improves student productivity and morale
    • Works well in conjunction with existing drug-free policy at school
    • Sends a message to students, parents and the community that a school has initiated a proactive position regarding the presence of prohibited drugs
    Contact us for more info or a price quote