Drug Detection at Work and Commercial Facilities

    Professional Dogs for a Professional Workplace

    Works can't be productive if they're on dugs; companies can't be profitable if employees aren't productive.

    Superior Canine Services is your partner for safety and security at work. We provide confidential, expert, reliable drug detection searches in businesses, workplaces, offices, factories, warehouses and other facilities.

    Canine drug detection services are the right answer for many types of businesses suffering loss of productivity due to drugs in the workplace. Typical clients of Superior Canine Services include:

    • Warehouses
    • Industrial parks
    • Hotels
    • Office buildings

    Benefits of Canine Search Services in the Workplace and Commercial Facilities

    • Covers places not seen by security cameras
    • Less invasive than employee drug testing
    • Improves worker productivity
    • Helps ensure an environment that is safe and secure for employees and customers
    • Reduces worker’s compensation insurance rates
    • Increases profits
    • Works well in conjunction with existing drug-free policy
    • Sends a message to all employees
    Search programs can be customized to meet individual needs. Businesses owners can request a onetime search with a basic service charge or take advantage of maintenance search packages (monthly and bi-weekly) and save through multiple search discounts.

    How it Works

    If or when you suspect drugs on the premises, contact Superior Canine Services. We will arrange a confidential visit to your facility for an evaluation of when and where to conduct a K-9 search. Depending on the circumstances, it may be best to conduct the search discreetly during times when employees are not present; or there may be reasons to search for drugs and contraband in plain view of everyone.

    At the conclusion of the search, search results are immediately presented to the client. We are not affiliated with law enforcement and we do not retrieve or dispose of drugs.

    Contact us for more info or a price quote